See How Easily You Can Increase Your Paid Search CTR
Click through rate (CTR) is a means of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign. Increasing such will increase the quality search (QS) and decrease the budget of your ads, while increasing your sales. If you want to increase your click through rate (CTR), the following discussion will tell you the how to and what to do to improve your CTR.
Raising your CTR is a lot easier than you think. There a lot of ways to do this. An example of which is using combinations of "strong words" which also means strong calls to action.
Call to action is probably the most important for your ad text and even Google tells us to use it in AdWords. Research show that not having call to action in your ad text can cause your initial quality score to suffer.
Let's take into consideration some of the following “strong words” and see how they affect our ads by the emotion they evoke or generate a feeling of encouragement for a user to click your ad. Also, discover how that feeling generated can ultimately affect your conversion rate.
1. New
Say it loud, your potential customers either has your product or service already or still checking you out. Adding the “strong word” like “new” to your ad would definitely change the emotion of your potential customers. As an example, instead of “Dell Inspiron 11z” you can use “The New Dell Insipron 11z.” Which sounds stronger to you?
2. Save
Everybody wants to save something and everyone wants to save MONEY. Let your potential customers know they are saving while using your service or product. A discounted product or service is always appreciated by anyone.
3. Easy
We live in a time of information technology and we always go for the easier option of doing things. Your potential customers would want to know how buying from you would make their lives easier than buying from your competitors. In the terms of fulfillment, you may include text such as: Easy access, User friendly, Easy to use, Easy upgrade, etc.
4. Free
This is the most common word that a customer would want to see on your ad. Customers love seeing free offers such as free access to your system even for a certain time only. If you could throw in other freebies, it would be even better. When offering something for free, make sure that you also clearly state conditions for it. This can be your unique selling point or proposition.
There are a lot of “strong words” that you can use to improve our ad and generate feelings that would make your potential customers buy from you and not from your competitors. You may also come up with your own strong emotional words that you think would be relevant & effective for your ad.
For you to come up with the best and most effective ad, turning to KeywordSpy’s ad copy feature would be the best move for you. Ad copies of domains are made available including important analytics such as keywords used, ROI, CPC, etc. Having this data will enable you to see which ads are effective. Using the advanced export tool will allow you to download the results and save it with the proper format for your campaign, be it for Google, Yahoo or Bing. So data on which ads are effective + “strong words” are what you need to formulate and post the best ad out there. Coming up with the right, attractive ads will definitely help you improve your CTR and Quality Search, which will lead to increase of your sales and correct budget spending.
Now is the time for you to create that effective ad which will get noticed and get clicked.
Peter Zmijewski is the founder and CEO of KeywordSpy. You can find more information about him at PeterZmijewski.
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