I’ve been bad. Very, very bad…about blogging. This is the first post I’ve written in November.
You may have had a similar experience. Maybe you got busy with work. Maybe you haven’t had any great ideas. Maybe you feel like you’ve written about everything there is to write about. Fear not, my friend. Perhaps climbing out of my own blogging coma will help you conquer yours.
Luckily, the blogosphere is a forgiving world. You may have missed out on some traffic, but it’s ok. Go ahead and pick up where you left off.
You’re simply too busy
I understand, real work gets put ahead of blogging. But think about it this way: blogging is a form of marketing and another way to ensure you’ll continue having that work in weeks and months to come. Here are a few easy ways to get around the “time” issue:
Figure out what works for you. Is it easier to blog first thing in the morning? During lunch? At home? Over the weekend? Do you prefer writing just one post at a time? Or do you like to create several when inspiration strikes? Regardless, figure out the schedule that works for you…and do it!
Keep It Simple, Stupid. You don’t need a ground breaking, earth shattering blogpost every single time. Use resources like the questions your customers ask you every day for inspiration. Often times, the quick, easy, and simple posts are the best ones.
Now you’re just making things up. Most of us aren’t too busy to watch our favorite shows. Most of us aren’t too busy to catch the game. Try multi-tasking; if you can sit in front of the TV and watch the ball game and blog, then do it! Or, if you need peace and quiet, carve out 15 or 30 minutes and write your post. That’s why they invented DVR, right?
You don’t have anything to write about or you’ve written about everything
Inspiration isn’t going to hit every day of the week – and if it does, you’re lucky – but that doesn’t mean you can’t inspire yourself.
Use tools at your disposal. There are a ton of tools out there from Google Insights for hot, new keyword ideas to Google Alerts for daily or weekly updates about new articles, blogposts, and websites in your industry. There are hundreds, even thousands of these type of tools out there, but these two are my go-to’s.
Listen to what other people are saying. Lean on your favorite writers, bloggers in your niche, or even your competitors. My favorites for SEO are theSEOmoz blog, Search Engine Roundtable, and Search Engine Land. Whatever your favorite blogs may be, make sure you subscribe to them and read them as often as you can.
Find a new way to spice up old blogposts. Use tricks like checking out your Google Analytics or using a different blogging technique to resurrect an old post you created.
Peter Zmijewski is the founder and CEO at KeywordSpy. Through Internet Marketing he places his name on great search engine like-GOOGLE who is also called as Innovator, Investor, Internet Marketing Guru and Entrepreneur. For more updates don’t go away, please stay with us.
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